Why adopt

World’s largest no-kill rescue and adoption

Reasons to adopt

It’s free. Unlike buying animals that can cost a lot of money, adopting stray animals is free. You will give a home to an animal in need. You will do double good, since on the one hand you will give a home to a stray animal, but on the other his place in the shelter or in the shelter where he was will be taken by another animal that is on the street. Through adoption, you indirectly denounce the trade, smuggling and illegal breeding of animals and you will weaken their action.

Choose your pet

Falling in love with an animal is easy, but can you promise it a better life? One of the many steps involved in adopting a pet is to think through all the issues that may arise so that you don’t find yourself surprised and end up returning them to the shelter. That would be heartbreaking for everyone.


Reasons to adopt

It’s free. Unlike buying animals that can cost a lot of money, adopting stray animals is free. You will give a home to an animal in need. You will do double good, since on the one hand you will give a home to a stray animal, but on the other his place in the shelter or in the shelter where he was will be taken by another animal that is on the street. Through adoption, you indirectly denounce the trade, smuggling and illegal breeding of animals and you will weaken their action.